Water governance for justice, peace and sustainability

At heart, managing and governing water are about critical decisions to determine where, how and to whom water flows. At IHE Delft, we are interested in unravelling such decisions and their impacts, with a keen eye for what they mean for justice, peace and sustainability. Water distribution priorities do not just happen through formal decision-making processes with transparent procedures – they are also implicitly set by through infrastructures, technological designs, or how water is measured and accounted for. This is why our studies and teachings include the analysis of the technological, administrative and financial systems through which water flows or is made legible.
The term water governance has rapidly gained popularity in the last three decades. This can be traced to two related meanings and uses of the term. First of all, in water policy circles - which used to be dominated by natural scientists and engineers - it indicates a broad acknowledgment that water is not just natural, but also importantly social. The term governance thus marks a change in policy emphasis from infrastructure (engineering) to the organisational, financial and institutional arrangements needed to regulate and order flows of water.
The second source of the term lies with economists and political scientists, who started using the word governance to capture the diminishing direct role of the state in arranging the distribution of welfare. Hence, from being mostly a public responsibility, water has increasingly become a shared concern of public, civil society and private sector actors. These actors come together to manage water in river basins and watersheds; organise service provision for drinking water, sanitation and irrigation; engage in the prevention or management of floods; or negotiate sharing water agreements at different levels.
With the proliferation of actors, it has become increasingly difficult to trace flows of water, and thus to know whom to hold accountable for water-related decisions and outcomes. Yet, doing this has only become more important. Declining quantities and qualities of, and increased competition over, water prompts re-allocations that inevitably favour some uses and users over others. Likewise, the increased incidence of floods - often caused by the intersection of climate change with urbanisation - affects different groups of people differently. Those less protected or with poor access may resort to protests to demand for water security or justice. When those with different needs - farmers and herders, for instance, or the industrial sector and the agricultural sector - depend on the same diminishing source of water, it may lead to (sometimes violent) conflicts. Depletion and pollution, moreover, may provoke loss of biodiversity and ecosystem decline.
Traditionally, the water sector has focused on concerns of efficiency and productivity. Yet, water governance also is about questions of justice, peace and sustainability. To effectively deal with these questions as well, the terms used to think about governance may need to be adapted
Highlighted publication
How do people use (misuse), govern, protect or pollute surface and groundwater and why? What are the different practices, mechanisms or tools that people use to govern surface and groundwater? How have people used law to improve surface and groundwater governance? What is the overall role of groundwater, water and environmental law in all these matters?
IHE Delft water governance work takes inspiration from philosophical, critical, feminist and legal scholarship on water and the environment more broadly. It mobilises this scholarship to engage in empirical investigations of how injustices, conflicts and environmental degradation become manifest in and around water; for exploring options to anchor water justice, peace and environmental care in laws and regulations; and for critical attempts to redefine and retheorize water in ways that make it easier to recognize and address these concerns.
In our research and education, we look at how intersecting relations of class, gender or ethnicity (etc.) mediate how water is shared, and scrutinise the organisation of water decision making in terms of how representation and authority are defined and organised.
In the context of river basins and agriculture, water governance work revolves around an understanding of and engagement with institutional and infrastructural mechanisms to access, own and distribute water or irrigated land. One important question here is how ongoing processes of liberalisation, aimed at opening up land and water rights for markets, risk concentrating water rights in the hands of a few commercial investors or business actors.
Highligted project
Transformations to groundwater sustainability
This project comparatively studies promising grass-roots initiatives of people organising around groundwater in places where pressures on the resource are particularly acute. Focusing on groundwater practices – of knowing, accessing and sharing – the project combines qualitative ethnographic methods with hydrogeological and engineering insights to explore the knowledge, technologies and institutions that characterise these initiatives. The overall aim of the proposed project is to establish a network of excellence that joins researchers, activists, communities and policy makers in a shared quest to achieve more sustainable and equitable modes of groundwater governance.
In urban contexts, we are mainly concerned with how access to water services is arranged across city spaces and people, and with how floods, droughts or water-related diseases are spatially distributed - with some places and people being more vulnerable than others. Understanding the processes of uneven development that produce such differences requires engagement with theories of urbanisation or agrarian transformation.
At the transboundary level, we support water diplomacy processes to facilitate fair cooperation between states on shared water resources, develop effective joint institutions, and help the prevention and resolution of water related conflicts among them. This requires a thorough understanding of the practices of water diplomacy, the interlinkages of water with the broader political context and the interdependence of different scales of water governance.
Highlighted project
Water, Peace and Security Partnership
Water insecurity is increasing worldwide, straining relations between people, communities and entire countries. With innovative tools and services, the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnership helps stakeholders to identify and understand water-related security risks and undertake timely, informed and inclusive action for conflict prevention and mitigation.
Water governance blog
Samples of our work, and of the debates we engage in, can be found on our blog FLOWS.
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