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IHE Delft pursues cutting-edge research that fulfills global water-related needs and targets pragmatic, evidence-based solutions, thereby contributing to a more sustainable world. The Institute comprises about 140 academic staff members, over 75 PhD researchers and some 150 master students. Through partnerships, the Institute strives to connect universities and knowledge institutes in all areas of the world. Six academic departments conduct research to address major social challenges.

Research aims

  • Meet basic needs (water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and food security)
  • Protect the integrity of the resource base
  • Ensure equity and reduce conflict
  • Mitigate risks and build resilience
  • Enable economic development

The Institute's research focuses on global water sustainability, applied and socially relevant research. IHE Delft staff drive a mission where impact is in focus. 

Our commitment to working in partnership emphasizes co-design and co-production of research with partners. For example, the well-established partnership with the United Nations and UNESCO in particular, allows for high-impact research and sets IHE Delft as a global reference for graduate training in sustainability and water challenges.

The Research Master of Science in Water and Sustainable Development engages students in research at early stages of their academic careers and stimulates new research ideas.

From 2014 to 2020, IHE Delft academics, together with co-authors from approximately 150 different institutions in 116 countries (half of whom are from low- and middle-income countries), produced over 2000 scientific publications across a range of interdisciplinary themes.

The scientific output of the Institute is outstanding, both in quantity and quality, is well cited and well used by peers. The co-authorships indicate an important international role for IHE Delft.
Research Assessment Committee

SENSE research school report and evaluation

An assessment committee of international experts from academia performed an assessment of the research conducted at IHE Delft over the period 2014-2020. The results have been collected in a report.