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World Water Week 2024


IHE Delft will take part in World Water Week 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, and online. Institute delegates will speak at several events, and host an information booth. Please check in on this page regularly: we will add information as it becomes available.

Alumni gathering

Alumni attending the meeting in person are invited to an Alumni Networking Gathering to be held on Wednesday 28 August at booth 4.01 (the Netherlands booth). RSVP to Alumni Relations Advisor Maria Laura Sorrentino at

IHE Delft delegates in Stockholm include:


Visit the IHE booth in the NL Pavilion 4.01 

Online tickets are free

Sunday 25 August

  • Transboundary water cooperation: a pathway to peace

    Time: 09:00 - 10:30 CEST Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: C1, Level 2

    This session links research at the global scale with on-the-ground experiences to identify best practices for water diplomacy. It presents new trends in transboundary water interactions, including conflict, cooperation, and institutional capacity, and then engages in a panel discussion on strategies for increasing cooperation and reducing conflict in transboundary basins.

    Cooperation on International Waters in Africa (CIWA)/World Bank Group
    Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
    Geneva Water Hub
    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
    Oregon State University
    United States Institute of Peace
    Zimbabwe Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement

  • Water quality cooperation for building peace from source-to-sea

    Time: 11:00 – 12:30 CEST Speakers include Susanne Schmeier and Alyssa Offut

    Location: C3, Level 2

    Transboundary water quality degradation challenges basin states and communities. However, cooperation presents an opportunity to address degradation and promote peaceful dynamics within and across borders. This session explores how transboundary water quality cooperation across the source-to-sea continuum can be developed and maintained in the face of pressing challenges.

    Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy Susanne Schmeier will make opening remarks and PhD candidate Alyssa Offut is doing the keynote in this session and is the main session organizer.

    Action Platform for Source to Sea Management
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
    Global Water Partnership
    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
    International Union for Conservation of Nature
    Nile Basin Initiative
    Stockholm International Water Institute
    Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
    UN Environment Programme
    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
    World Water Quality Alliance

  • Navigating uncharted waters: addressing Afghanistan's water crisis

    Time: 11:00 - 12:30 CEST Speakers include Mohd Faizee

    Location: A4, Level 6

    Growing water scarcity amidst climate change impacts is dramatically affecting the lives of Afghans. Building resilience requires urgent action but is complicated by constrained engagement with the un-recognized Taliban authorities, including on transboundary concerns. This panel showcases collaborative efforts to address these unique and unprecedented challenges spanning cross-cutting themes.

    Over the coming years, intensifying climate shocks will confront Afghan communities with extreme and unseasonal weather, increasing both water scarcity and the frequency of flash-flooding which in turn will exacerbate humanitarian needs, undermine livelihoods, fuel migration, and challenge essential service delivery. This panel discussion will unpack the severe water crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, its multifaceted impacts domestically and regionally, and the cooperative efforts required to address these challenges in what is a complex political environment following the August 2021 Taliban takeover.

    The session will highlight the cross-cutting impacts of water scarcity and climate change on the Afghan people, as well as the risks it presents to peace and stability. It will highlight the need for urgent action and engagement with the de facto authorities to avoid negative consequences. The session will also share experiences from collective actions among development agencies, donors, and international NGOs, including the launch of the Afghanistan Water Platform and ongoing community-based projects.

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
    World Bank Group

  • SIWI Seminar Series (1/3): Technical solutions for secure water supplies: Introduction to technical solutions

    Time: 14:00 – 15:00 CEST Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: Online

    Responding to water-related instability conditions and conflicts. This session will discuss and showcase technical solutions (DSS, remote sensing, real-time monitoring tools, WEFE nexus) that can help nations respond to internal and external water-related shocks, adapt to changing climate conditions, and protect biodiversity and freshwater ecosystems within and across boundaries.

    Action Platform for Source to Sea Management
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
    Global Water Partnership
    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
    International Union for Conservation of Nature
    Nile Basin Initiative
    Stockholm International Water Institute
    Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
    UN Environment Programme
    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
    World Water Quality Alliance

Monday 26 August

  • Water, Peace and Security Partnership Breakfast Session

    Time: 8:00 – 9:00 CEST Speakers include Yasir Mohamed, Sundus Al-Ogaidi and Alyssa Offut

    Location: see below

    This breakfast session aims to bring together a select group of donors and strategic partners of the Water, Peace, and Security (WPS) Partnership. The objectives include:

    • Providing updates on the latest developments and strategies of the WPS.
    • Showcasing impactful WPS work and sharing success stories. (WPS work results)
    • Facilitating a dialogue to explore how the participants’ efforts relate to the water-security nexus and identifying synergies with WPS’s future plans.

    If your organisation is interested in joining the WPS breakfast session, please contact Sundus al Ogaidi

  • SIWI Seminar Series (2/3): Monitoring and data to support peace and security

    Time: 11:00 – 12:30 CEST Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: Room 27, Level 2

    Data, monitoring, and data products including forecasts and warnings are critical in enabling effective and efficient management of water resources for competing demands and reducing risks of water-related disasters hence promoting peace and security. This session will emphasize data and products to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve water security.

    Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
    Red Cross                                                                                                    
    World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
    US Geological Survey
    World Youth Parliament for Water

  • Water, Peace and Security - International Federation of the Red Cross launch event

    Time: 15.30-16.00 CEST

    Location: NL Pavilion

    Water insecurity is increasing worldwide, and so is the recognition of its role as a multiplier of threats for instability and conflict. The contribution of sustainable water management to collaboration, sustainable development, and peace is often less emphasized, but it is instrumental in designing interventions.

    The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnership are joining forces to reduce the global risk of water-induced conflict and support more sustainable water management practices.

  • Onewater Pub Quiz

    Time: 20.00-22.00 CEST

    Location: Pickwick Pub & Restaurang, Drottninggatan 6, Stockholm

    Join us at the Onewater Pub Quiz, hosted by Dr. František Ficek on behalf of Water Science PolicyFun vibes guaranteed!

Tuesday 27 August

  • Global Water Education Network (GWEN) – Breakfast meeting

    Time: 8:00–9:00 CEST Speakers include Eddy Moors and Gaetano Casale

    Location: Radisson Blue Viking Hotel (next to SWW main venue) - invitees only

    The breakfast, scheduled in conjunction with the Stockholm World Water Week 2024, will bring together a selected group of interested donors and potential strategic partners of GWEN. The objectives of the session are:

    • Presentation on the development and delivery model of GWEN;
    • Initial feedback and statements of possible collaboration;
    • Round of discussion with invited participants on possibilities to contribute to GWEN

    This is a closed session for invitees only.

    IHE Delft
    Cap Net

  • Innovative Financing for Transboundary Water Cooperation

    Time: 09:00 - 10:30 Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: A4, Level 6

    Transboundary water cooperation is a powerful instrument for sustainable development, working through River Basin Organizations and similar regional organizations. Thereby, innovative financing mechanisms are promising tools to increase countries’ benefits through cooperative engagements and risk reduction. What role can new financing and risk reduction mechanisms play in promoting TBW cooperation?

    Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy Susanne Schmeier will set the scene.

  • Standing their ground: Deltas as connectors from source to sea

    Time: 09:00 - 10:30 Speakers include Alyssa Offut

    Location: Room 27, Level 2

    Deltas bridge land, freshwater, and the ocean; successful delta management depends on these linkages. IPDC and S2S Platform join forces in a discussion on how the source-to-sea approach unlocks pathways for cooperation on climate resilience and sustainable development. This interactive workshop will discuss concrete cases from deltas around the world.

    • Welcome and opening by Harm Duel (Deltares)
    • Introduction to IPDC (NL Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
    • Experts interview by Audrey Legat (Deltares):
      • Francisca Antonelli (Wetlands International)
      • Alyssa Offutt (IHE Delft)
      • Frank Zhang (SwAM)
    • Introduction to round table discussions - Ruth Mathews (SIWI - S2S)
    • Round table discussions:
      • Ganges-Brahmaputra-Megna delta - Bangladesh - Shahnoor Hasan (IPDC)
      • Madgalena delta - Colombia - Marta Faneca (IPDC) 
      • Parana delta - Argentina - Sabrina Couvin Rodriquez (IPDC)
      • Drin-Bojana delta - Albania - Dimitris Faloutsos (GWP - S2S)
      • Yellow river delta - China Tom Panella (S2S)
      • Pungwe-Buzi delta - Mozambique - Koen Verbist (UNESCO)
    • Key finding source-to-sea approach for delta management - Ruth Mathews (SIWI - S2S)
    • Follow-up actions and closing - Harm Duel (Deltares)

    Action Platform for Source to Sea Management
    Deltares (S2S)
    Global Water Partnership (GWP)
    International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas (IPDC)
    Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Netherlands
    Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
    UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme

  • Catalyzing Change: Let’s Talk about Failure

    Time: 11:00 - 12:30 CEST Speakers include Sundus al-Ogaidi

    Location:  Room 27, Level 2

    We propose to re-define failure in water and climate projects, transforming it into a learning opportunity. By making failure an option, we encourage collaboration, overcome challenges, and move forward on the global water pledges. Failure should no longer be treated as shameful; instead it is something to be openly discussed.

    The session aims at reshaping the discourse around failure and catalyzing change in water and climate projects. The session will be an encouraging, open, and empathetic conversation, where people - the researchers, practitioners, advocates – can reflect on the complexities of water and climate projects. The conversation on failures provides a platform for sharing experiences, challenges, and insights in navigating setbacks and shortcomings in water sustainability endeavors. The conversation promotes accountability, and continuous learning in the water and climate sector. It also inspires reimagining and co-enacting more inclusive, equitable, and just ways of managing water. The session invites water and climate professionals to engage in an open dialogue, exploring the nuances of failure and its implications for sustainable development. Through interactive discussions and case studies, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and unlearn-and-relearn about knowing and managing water. By embracing failure as a viable option, participants will learn that success can take multiple forms and routes, and gain inspiration from each other.

    Co-convenor: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation

  • How accurate data on water is fostering joint decision making

    Time: 14:00-15:30 Speakers include NL Water Envoy Meike van Ginneken

    Location: C2, Level 2 and online

    Session ID 11401

    Earth observation technology can be used for building global water-resilient food value chains and mitigating (local) water withdrawals impacting water-stressed basins, fields and commodities. These shared watersheds are crucial for water quantity, quality and access and underline the need to break silo's of water authorities, businesses & local communities.

    This panel discussion will feature water and agriculture leaders from Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, The World Bank, FAO, Water Envoy of the Netherlands, the Director of the Tensift Basin Authority (Morocco), and a regenerative farmer in South Africa.

    Keynote speaker Meike van Ginneken Special Envoy for Water of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and IHE Delft governing board member will set the scene.

    European Space Agency
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    International Water Management Institute
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands
    The CEO Water Mandate
    World Bank Group
    Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
    Tensift Basin Authority (Morocco)

  • SIWI Seminar Series (2/3): The art of water diplomacy

    Time: 16:00 - 17:30 CEST Speakers include Bota Sharipova

    Location: C1, Level 2

    Building on the first, theoretical, session, the second session of the series aims to answer a key question: what does water diplomacy look like in practice? 

    While continuing to address the questions outlined in the first session, Session 2 focuses on practical questions of identifying interests, managing the process, building political will and trust, addressing asymmetries, managing uncertainty and complexities, and more. Learn about the key actors and stakeholders, the tools required, and what successful outcomes look like.

    The session will be broadly divided into two sections. First, practitioners from different fields will present their experiences, both grassroots and state-level actors, while highlighting the key role of third-party actors. Second, a panel discussion with diverse representatives from multiple levels will give insights into the cross-disciplinary collaboration required to conduct water diplomacy. Bota Sharipova will delivering one of the keynote presentations under the general topic “Conducting Hydrodiplomacy - Key Issues”

    Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
    EcoPeace Middle East

  • Launch of the update of the Transboundary Freshwater Diplomacy Database (TFDD) – Latest insights into transboundary water conflict and cooperation

    Time: 16:00 – 17:00 Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: Netherlands Pavilion 4.01

    This reception will be the occasion to celebrate the newly updated website of the Transboundary Freshwater Diplomacy Database (TFDD) and the launch of the latest data on international freshwater treaties. Oregon State University, The Fletcher School at Tufts University and IHE Delft will present their latest work on transboundary water conflict, cooperation, treaties and institutions and engage in a discussion with water managers and water diplomats on how a comprehensive scientific approach to understanding transboundary waters supports water conflict management and water diplomacy.

    Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy Susanne Schmeier will be moderator and give brief input on data, science and diplomacy.


Wednesday 28 August

  • Earth observation technologies in transboundary water management.

    Time: 11:00 – 12:30 Speakers include Susanne Schmeier and Bota Sharipova

    Location: C2, Level 2

    Earth observation technologies have increased availability and quality of hydrological and geo-spatial data offering significant potential for more effective transboundary water management. This event will highlight applications of these technologies and discuss challenges relating to legal and trust-building aspects in the use of such data.

    Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy Susanne Schmeier is moderator and co-organiser of this IHE-led session. PhD Candidate Bota Sharipova is a panellist. 

    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    Fletcher School at Tufts University
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
    Oregon State University
    United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
    World Bank Group
    World Resources Institute 

  • Sustainable Financing for Transboundary Water Cooperation

    Time: 14:00 - 15:30 Speakers include Susanne Schmeier

    Location: A4, Level 6

    This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities for mobilizing resources to support countries and decision makers in their work towards transboundary water cooperation and basin development.

    This session will dive into the crucial role of innovative funding and financing mechanisms for sustainable management of transboundary resources. Over two-thirds of Latin America and the Caribbean is covered by shared water sources, vital for nearly half the region's population. Managing and developing these transboundary resources requires significant funding. However, current financial constraints on cooperation and management threaten the sustainable use of these water bodies, potentially jeopardizing regional stability and peace. In this context, this session will i) provide a space for discussion about the financial needs for transboundary water management and basin development and the role of transboundary cooperation as enabler of transboundary investments and access to finance; ii) highlight the importance of developing innovative financing mechanisms and instruments that enhance the value of public sector spending by involving the private sector; and iii) build on ecosystem services through exploring novel approaches such as green infrastructure and the mainstreaming of nature-based solutions and ecosystem services to allow the application of different methods for optimization of water use in basins.

    Susanne Schmeier will give a keynote speech.

  • SIWI Seminar Series (3/3): The art of water diplomacy

    Time: 14:00 - 15:30 CEST Speakers include Mohd Faizee

    Location: Room 27, Level 2

    Building on the previous two sessions, Session 3 aims to contextualize water diplomacy in the current climate through case studies.

    Session Description

    There is no better way to understand water diplomacy in action than by delving into examples. Each study will provide an overview of the context: the specific problem and its uniqueness, stakeholders involved and their interests and priorities. They will explore relevant aspects of the process, how the problem was approached and which tools were used, before giving a status update: the results of efforts thus far, expectations for the future, and what might be learned or applied to future issues.

    Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
    EcoPeace Middle East

Thursday 29 August

  • Water, Peace, and Security: Innovation to Action – Lessons learned

    Online: 10:00-11:00 CEST Speakers include Yasir Mohamed

    Location: Online

    This session delves into the intricate dynamics of water management, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace. The session will provide a comprehensive overview of the water-security nexus, highlighting the complex and multifaceted nature of water-related conflicts and the diverse strategies for their mitigation. Specifically, the session aims to:

    • Educate and Inform: Enhance understanding of the water-security nexus and conflict mitigation strategies.
    • Knowledge Exchange: Share global and regional experiences in addressing water conflicts.
    • Empower Participants: Equip participants with tools for conflict analysis and resolution to apply in diverse contexts.

    Anders Jagerskog (World Bank) is on the WPS advisory board.

    Online tickets are free

    Water, Peace and Security Partnership
    Stockholm International Water Institute
    International Federation of Red Cross
    Government of the Netherlands

  • Water Sensitive Compass: Supporting Urban Transformation in Highly Dynamic Environments

    Time: 15:00 - 16:00 CEST

    Location: Online Session
    Session ID 11903

    The session discusses the Water Sensitive Compass as a tool to support transformations towards more water sensitivity in Indian secondary cities. As part of the Water4Change Research Programme, this session aims to raise awareness and co-create knowledge to extend its use to other similar geographies through interactive engagement.

    Centre for Water Resources Development and Management
    CEPT University
    Delft University of Technology
    Dutch Research Institute For Transitions
    IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
    Indian Institute Of Technology Gandhinagar
    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
    Manit, Bhopal
    University of Twente
