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Join us at IHE Delft Science Weekend

Science weekend - IHE Delft, 2023

IHE Delft is taking part in the Netherlands-wide science festival Weekend van de Wetenschap! On Saturday, 5 October, the Institute welcomes curious visitors for hands-on experiments! We’ll have several stations at which visitors of all ages can learn about water in a fun and interactive way. All are welcome – bring your family and friends!

Activities include:

  • Build your own aquifer
  • Create a water-smart garden with Wavemakers United's water labs.
  • Discover the power of worms and learn how to create your own wormery for the garden.
  • Check out water-saving WC vortex technology
  • Test the effect of dikes, dunes and breakwaters on extreme waves using Deltares' mini Delta Flume
  • Try out the Wonen Onder Water challenge - Delfland (
  • Clean dirty water using filtration
  • Learn about water sharing using sticks and marbles in our watershed game
  • Examine water up close through a microscope, bring your own sample


Science weekend - IHE Delft, 2023

No registration is needed – All are welcome!

More information here.

IHE Delft has joined hands with Deltares, Wavemakers United and Hoogheemraadschap van Delftland for this event.
