Water Resources and Ecosystems Health

Globally, ecosystems and the water resources they support are in perilous decline. Maintaining healthy ecosystems is the basis for delivering resources equitably and efficiently to support people’s health and well-being and is the basis for sustainability.
Study areas
- Environmental planning and management
- Flood and drought
- Remote sensing and GIS
- Hydrology and water resources
- Hydraulic engineering
- Surface and groundwater hydrology
- Water law, policy and politics
- River basin development
- Wetlands
- Aquatic ecosystems
What will I learn?
You will learn about the movement of water through the landscape and how to apply this knowledge to support sustainable management of river basins. You will study the basic concepts of, and interlinkages in the biosphere, the role of biodiversity, the hydrological cycle, and their relationship with ecosystem health and how this underpins human health and wellbeing. Depending on the profile you choose, you will learn about measuring and monitoring, data analysis, GIS and remote sensing, simulation modelling, the value of open access data and software, river basin development and environmental management policy processes, and methods for planning and managing water and other natural resources. Ultimately you will be able to apply your expertise to support sustainable Water Resources and Ecosystem Health in an interdisciplinary setting.
Introduction to the track
Water doesn’t just come from a tap: healthy ecosystems provide the resources society needs to survive.
Track set-up
Helped by your coach, you choose a disciplinary profile, that allows you to focus on a specific aspect of the track or to mix and match (also across tracks), to give you a broader view of the topic.
Is it right for me?
If your ambition is to become a water resources or river basin manager, hydrologist, aquatic ecosystem scientist, modeller or GIS and Remote Sensing expert, or pursue a related career, studying this track will be your springboard.
This is one of four thematic tracks you can pair with a disciplinary profile in the MSc Programme in Water and Sustainable Development. Want to know more about this programme and how you can shape it to your interests?