Raymond Venneker studied structural geology at Utrecht University, and hydrology and hydrogeology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He was employed as scientific staff member by the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit, engaged in contract research and lecturing. He acquired substantial field experience -- in particular in mountainous terrain. A doctorate study resulted in a dissertation entitled "A Distributed Hydrological Modelling Concept for Alpine Environments" in 1996.
Dr. Venneker joined the IHE Delft (then: IHE Delft) Hydrology and Water Resources Core staff in 1997. His responsibilities include lecturing, supervising MSc students and PhD fellows, conducting applied research, and project execution. He was seconded to Birzeit University in the West Bank, Palestine, as resident advisor for the WASCAPAL project for 18 months until early 2001. He also served as coordinator for the Hydrology and Water Resources MSc programme for a number of years. Teaching activities include surface hydrology, data collection and processing, physically-based catchment modelling, fieldwork, and water resources and climate.
Research interest and activities are directed towards hydrological modelling of large river basins and investigating the role of the land surface in the hydrological cycle. Co-development of a large-scale hydrological model led to the implementation of an operational distributed flow simulation and forecasting model for the Yellow River in China. This Sino-Dutch research and development project was funded by the Dutch and Chinese governments and completed early 2009. Further model research takes place through development and programming of the LSM-A code suite, which is applied to land surface hydrological research in Peninsular Malaysia and China.
A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.