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Staff Overview

Martijn van Staveren


At Wageningen UR I completed the MSc International Land and Water Management between 2005 and 2007. The social and political dimensions of water management were central topics in this programme; a key addition to my background as a civil engineer.

After working at the Netherlands Water Partnership between 2007 and 2012 on international water sector collaboration with 'delta countries', I started a PhD research project. The 'Dynamic Deltas' research programme was led by Wageningen UR and funded by NWO and suppored four PhD projects. I compared controlled restoration of flood dynamics in polders, with case studies in the Netherlands, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Between 2017 and 2021 I worked as one of the postdocs on the All-Risk research programme, led by TU Delft, on knowledge co-development in flood risk management projects in the Netherlands.

Research Summary

International water management, controlled flood restoration, delta management, knowledge co-development, stakeholder engagement


A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.

Other information

At IHE Delft I am coordinator of the Netherlands national IHP-HWRP committee, which defines the Dutch input (thematic priorities) in major international water research programmes at the UN, mainly UNESCO and WMO (led by KNMI).