Dr. Damir Brdjanovic is Professor of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Professor at Delft University of Technology and Honorary Professor at Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Technical University of Uruguay, and Asian Institute of Technology. Areas of his expertise include city-wide inclusive sanitation, non-sewered sanitation and faecal sludge management, and urban drainage and wastewater treatment. He is a pioneer in the practical application of models in wastewater treatment practice in developing countries.
He is co-inventor of DEMOS©: Digital Epidemic Observatory and Management System, and of the Shit Killer® device for excreta management in emergencies, the award-winning eSOS® Smart Toilet and the medical toilet MEDiLOO®. He has initiated the development and implementation of innovative didactic approaches and novel educational products (including e-learning) at IHE Delft. Brdjanovic is co-founder and director of the Global Sanitation Graduate School and co-founder of Global Partnership of Laboratories for Faecal Sludge Analysis. During the last decade he was instrumental in acquiring in excess of 30 million USD grants, primarily from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and European Commission. In addition to dozen of PhD students, in excess of 200 MSc students have graduated under his supervision so far. Brdjanovic has a sound publication record, including publications in Science and Nature, is co-initiator of the IWA Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, and is the initiator, author and editor of ten books in the sanitation field. In 2015 he became an IWA Fellow, in 2018 received the IWA Publishing Award, in 2021 IWA Water and Development Research Award, in 2022 The Best Scientific Book Prize, and in 2023 the IWA Inclusive Urban Sanitation Champion Award for Youth Engagement.
Ancillary activities
- Affiliated Professor at Delft University of Technology
- Member of International Water Association Publication Advisory Group
- Member UN World Toilet Day Committee
- Director and Governing Board Member Global Sanitation Graduate School
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.