Carlos Manuel Lopez Vazquez holds a BSc. degree (Civil Engineer) and MSc. degree (cum laude) on Water Sciences (Specialty on Wastewater Treatment) from the Faculty of Engineering, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, in Toluca, Mexico.
In 2009, he received his doctoral degree on Environmental Biotechnology (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. For outstanding academic achievement, he has been awarded different prizes, grants and scholarships. During his professional career and besides being involved in research and education at MSc and PhD-level, he has also taken part in different consultancy projects for both public and private sector concerning municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems.His main professional, academic and research interests focus on:
- Cost-effective/environmentally-friendly anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment systems.
- Microbial population dynamics in (nutrient removal) wastewater treatment systems.
- Mathematical modelling of wastewater treatment systems.
- Energy and resource recovery from wastewater
- Innovative urban wastewater management
Present scope and expertise covers:
- Post-graduate education on wastewater treatment technologies (graduate level, distance-learning, training and capacity building).
- Research on wastewater treatment technologies (PhD and MSc supervision).
- Advisory and consultancy in the field of urban and industrial wastewater treatment systems.
- Acquisition, management and implementation of wastewater treatment technology projects.
Carlos is Associated Editor of Water Science and Technology, and member of the International Water Association (IWA), Water Environment Federation (WEF), of the Red de Talentos Mexicanos en Paises Bajos, and coordinator of the Online Course on "Biological wastewater treatment: Principles, modelling and design".
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.