Capucine Dupont received a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Universite Lyon 1 (France) in 2006 as well as an Habilitation to Supervize Research from Universite Grenoble Alpes (France) in 2015. She worked ten years as a scientist in the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission of Grenoble (France) and, since 2017, she has been working in IHE Delft as Lecturer-Researcher in Bioresource Technology.
She has acquired internationally recognized expertise in biomass and waste thermal conversion processes (gasification, hydrothermal carbonization, pyrolysis, torrefaction) to energy, chemicals and materials, with specific interest on the improvement of suitability feedstock/process/product. Her present research interests mainly focus on the production of biochar by pyrolysis/hydrothermal carbonization and its applications, especially in the developing country context, for use as solid fuel, soil improving material, additive in anaerobic digestion, adsorbent for water treatment (H2020 Bio4Africa project: https://www.bio4africa.eu/) and, in a more prospective way, anode in Na-ion batteries (H2020 NAIMA project: https://naimaproject.eu/).
Her teaching activites cover her research field as well as the broader field of Solid Waste Management. She coordinates the short-course related (https://www.un-ihe.org/solid-waste-management) and its online version (https://www.un-ihe.org/online-course-solid-waste-management), and is involved in Tailor Made Trainings worlwide on the topic, the latest ones being held in Thailand, Senegal and Guatemala.
She also takes an active role in the development of the future Biobased Circular Economy in connexion with the Water field by contributing to the set-up of the new educational programmes in Europe (BBI H2020 Urbiofuture project: https://www.urbiofuture.eu/, Biobec project: https://biobec.eu/) and being topic organizer of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (https://www.eubce.com/ ).
A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.