Sumiran Rastogi is from Lucknow, India and has been studying and working in the Netherlands since 2017. Sumiran obtained her Masters in Energy and Environment Science at the University of Groningen. After that, she worked at the Global Center on Adaptation as part of their Research and Innovation team. Her research interests include understanding complex systems (adaptation across different spatial and temporal scales), determinants of adaptive capacity and behaviour, risk perception and uncertainty.
Starting from May, 2022 Sumiran has joined the Water Resources and Ecosystems Department at IHE-Delft as a PhD candidate. She is working as part of the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘Innovating Climate Services through Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge (ICISK)’.
Research Summary
Working as part of the ICISK project, the aim of Sumiran's research is to understand and innovate how climate services for adaptation are designed following a human-centered socially and behaviorally informed approach; integrating the local and scientific knowledges; needs and perceptions of the citizens, decision makers and stakeholders with climate information at spatial and temporal scales relevant to them. Sumiran's research will look into how local knowledge can be harnessed to provide actionable climate information and understand the livelihood and decision making contexts of stakeholders to provide information that is not only useful for addressing climate variability but also the social vulnerability of the citizens.