Santiago Duarte Prieto

Supported by COLFUTURO and ICETEX, Santiago Duarte is doing a PhD at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) at the Hydroinformatics department since September 2020. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence applications on water resources, the development of GIS-based applications, extreme hydrological events detection and analysis, hydrological modelling, data visualization and climate change projections.
He studied his BSc degree in Civil Engineering and MSc degree on Water Resources at Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito- Bogota, Colombia. His MSc Thesis entitled “Chaotic Statistical Downscaling method: An application for the Bogota´s River Basin”, focused on the development of a precipitation downscaling technique based on the key concepts of chaos theory. In 2020 he was awarded as the winner of the competence “¡Conectate con el Rio Magdalena!” which focused on the creation of tools to increase the understanding of the dynamics of the Magdalena basin. Here, he developed a tool to analyze digital news information and their relation with extreme hydrological events. The results were represented graphically with open access maps. Back in Colombia, he worked as a lecturer of water-related subjects in private and public universities and as an external consultant for climate change projections.
Spatiotemporal Analysis and Detection of Extreme and Compound Hydrological Events: Exploring the use of Hybrid models and Artificial intelligence
A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.