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PhD Candidates

Caroline Murungi

Caroline Murungi

Caroline Murungi is a PhD Candidate at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and the University of Amsterdam (UvA), The Netherlands. Her research focuses on understanding water supply infrastructure maintenance practices in Kisumu, Kenya. She embraces praxiographic and ethnographic methodological approaches; to examine day-to-day pipeline maintenance works of the plumbers. Her research is expected to contribute to scholarly discussions on water infrastructure maintenance, the organisation of maintenance and implications on water provisioning.

Prior to starting her PhD Programme in 2017, she served as the Institutional Development/Capacity Building Coordinator at Sustainable Aid in Africa – SANA International, Kisumu-Kenya; where she supported planning, implementation and monitoring of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Programmes in communities and schools. 

After completion of her Master’s Degree (MSc in Environmental Science – Specialisation- Environmental Planning and Management) at IHE -Delft in 2011, she worked as a Consultant in WASH Services in The Netherlands, Guest Lecturer in Research Methodology at IHE- Delft, mentored MSc students during their research work on WASH and contributed to projects focusing on Water, Sanitation and Capacity Building. 

Upon completion of her Bachelor’s Degree (BA Environmental Management) at Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda; she served as an Assistant Coordinator, Environment Management Programme at the University.  


Towards Sustainability of Operations: Understanding Maintenance Practices of the Water Supply Network


A complete list of publications can be found in Google Scholar.