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PhD Candidates

Adriano Biza

Adriano Biza

Adriano Mateus Biza is an anthropologist working since 2001 as assistant lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Eduardo Mondlane University.

Adriano got a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (1998) and his BA honours in Anthropology with a minor dissertation about “Female headed households in the context of peri-urban Maputo City: drivers, social characteristics and survival strategies” (2000). In addition, Adriano holds a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology and Sociology of Development and Political Change at Institute for Social and Economic Development Studies (IEDES), University of Paris1 – Sorbonne – Pantheon (France) and his dissertation was about “Youth and Associations in Mozambique: Motivations and Current Dynamics” in 2004. He is also researcher associate at Kula – Studies & Applied Research Ltd, a consulting company since 2007. As a consultant was involved in research, training, final and mid-term evaluations, developing strategies and operational plans in thematic areas of sexual and reproductive health, environment, public health, governance and institutional development.



Sustainable water supply in Maputo


A complete list of publications can be found in ResearchGate.

Other information


Governing Wastewater in Maputo City: questions of (in) equity in the socio-spatial distribution of dirty waters

Summary of the Research

The aim of this research is to explore the way wastewater is governed in Maputo city (Mozambique) and explain the source of sanitary divide in Maputo city and the ways in which people’s relations with wastewater are shaped by policies framings, rationalities, politics and varied spatial and even temporal processes.  Looking at global policies discourses and processes of commercialization, decentralization and participation as elements in the sanitation reform process; it examine why and what are the current reforms propositions, by whom and how have they evolved to be this way. The actors’ positions, discourses and interests are studied to identify the parties powerful enough to set the agendas and outcomes of the shifts. The research explores how the approach used by the reforms are changing the socio-nature relationship and particularly how it is intersected with the urbanization process and urban infrastructure governance unfolds current sanitations solutions and produces itself differential and uneven access and outcomes among neighbourhoods. Primarily framed in a historical analysis of founding and functioning of the urban sanitations sewerage and the forms of its discursive legitimacy and politics, the research seek to answer how was the sanitation network infrastructure created, through what institutions, with what rationality, for whose benefit. This research is part of the Project “Sustainable freshwater supply in urbanizing Maputo, Mozambique. Technical and social aspects of water reuse” also part of the Research Programme “Urbanising Deltas of the World” funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project aims at developing centralized and de-centralized wastewater reuse systems to supply farmers and small industries. The research is developed with the support of several consortium members: Technical University of Delft, IHE Delft, Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU), the Water Supply Investment and Asset Fund (FIPAG), Vitens-Evides International, Royal HaskoningDHV, Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg, IRC – International Water and Sanitation Centre.

The development of this research project is also under supervision of the following committee members - Luuk Rietveld (Technical University of Delft), Maria Rusca (King's College London) and Sandra Manuel (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) - for which the PhD candidate appreciate the support.