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On-campus, intensive and highly specialized courses

Using Open Data, QGIS and HEC-RAS for Hydraulic Modelling

This course aims to provide the participants with the ability to find open access GIS data and more efficiently process data for their use in hydrodynamic models using QGIS and HEC-RAS.

For whom?

The course is designed for professionals (engineers and scientists) active in the water sector, especially those involved in using simulation models for water management.


It is expected that participants have good computer skills and basic knowledge of hydraulics.

Learning objectives

  1. Prepare model inputs using GIS and open data
  2. Interpret results of a flow model
  3. Build a model using HEC-RAS
  4. Map results of a model in QGIS
  5. Explain basic principles of hydrodynamic modelling
  6. Delineate catchments and streams from digital elevation models

Course content

For many studies models are used or developed. During modelling courses not much attention is paid to the pre-processing of input data and parameters needed for the models. A lot of open source software is available for this purpose.

This course aims to provide the participants with the ability to find open access GIS data and more efficiently process data for their use in hydrodynamic models using QGIS. Based on the acquired knowledge participants will also attend a mapathon in the first week of the course. In the second week participants to the course will acquire practical experience during computer exercises on hydrodynamic modelling using HEC-RAS. HEC-RAS is a software program that models hydrodynamics of flow in a river and/or channel. It is used to determine if for a given discharge the flow exceeds the river bank levels. Flooding studies can be carried out to determine the flood extent and volume.

Content of the course will cover the following topics: Introduction to Open Source software for GIS and hydrological modelling; Spatial Data Infrastructures for Open Access Water Data; Using QGIS to digitize vector layers from a scanned map; Using QGIS for importing tabular data into GIS, data correction and interpolation; Spatial analysis using map algebra; Using QGIS for catchment and stream delineation; Create catchment maps with QGIS; Introduction to river flow routing; Basic equations of unsteady flow in rivers; Introduction to HEC-RAS. Modelling capabilities; Modelling Floods using HEC-RAS; Structures; Modelling complex cases, including dam breaks.

Course Coordinator

Ioana Popescu

Professor of Hydroinformatics
