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World Water Forum: fair water allocation & water rights in focus

Leon Hermans at WWF 2024 Bali Water Allocation session

In 2010, about 16% of the world population lived in river basins that are highly stressed. In 2050, that number will be nearly 60%. With increasing competition for a dwindling resource, how can water be allocated so that it is productive in a sustainable and fair way? That’s the question IHE Delft experts asked in a World Water Forum session on water justice.

In the session, Associate Professor of Environmental Planning and Management  Leon Hermans, Researcher Jonatan Godinez Madrigal and Emeritus Professor Guy Alaerts, called for managing competition among water users with cooperation through institutional and legal frameworks. They did so together with IHE Delft and University of Amsterdam (UvA) Professor of Law and Policy in Water Resources and Environment Joyeeta Gupta, and UvA Researchers Hilmer Bosch and Andrea Müller, in a session that was convened by IHE Delft together with the Global Water Partnership.

The session, held on 20 May, was part of IHE Delft engagement at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. The IHE Delft delegation is involved in several events underlining the need for water justice, capacity development and innovative finance.

Addressing water allocation, a significant issue in many parts of the world, requires a combination of legal, institutional, economic and technological measures along with the consideration of water rights.

“In a world where drought is emerging as a major global threat, countries need to rethink their existing policies and institutions for water allocation,”  Hermans said. “Adapting these is essential to ensure fair allocation and water rights for sustainable development and prevent conflict over this precious resource.”

“In a world where drought is emerging as a major global threat, countries need to rethink their existing policies and institutions for water allocation,”
Leon Hermans

Structural relative water shortages

Climate change, growing demand and catchment deterioration are turning the world from an essentially wet place into a predominantly dry one. Structural relative water shortages are putting economic growth, social wellbeing and environmental sustainability at risk in many countries. 
“Climate and water are deeply interconnected, with significant links between climate change and justice,”  Gupta said. “Issues related to water are critical. Key concerns include the principles guiding water allocation and the implications of market-based distribution in times of scarcity. Addressing water and climate justice is essential.”

Inspiring collaboration

The session delved into the critical role of fair water allocation and water rights determination in resolving water conflicts and enabling sustainable solutions. It highlighted the Water Allocation and Rights publication by the Water Allocation and Rights project (IHE Delft, University of Amsterdam and Wageningen University and Research), which describes three ways to allocate water: collective action, market-based instruments and administrative permits and noted that socio-economic development brings a risk for water exploitation.

In an interview in the Water Justice Hub, Joyeeta Gupta highlights how crucial water justice is for the well-being of both humans and the environment.
