MSc Specialization on Climate Resilient Cities launched at CAS2021

A new Master’s specialization on Climate Resilient Cities was launched at the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 by the Rector of IHE Delft, Dr. Eddy Moors, who participated in a session on City-to-City Learning and Capacity Building.
The launch took place during the session entitled Models of City-to-City Learning and Capacity Building for Advancing Urban Resilience Practice Solutions, Capacity Building and Innovation, on 25 January 2021. Eddy Moors was in the company of Mayor Sowah from Accra, Ghana, Vice Chair on the Steering Committee of C40 Cities, representing African Mayors and Dr. Hans Gehrels, a leader in climate adaptation, water sensitive urban design and urban resilience, who manages the Urban Resilience team at Deltares. Eddy Moors discussed the new specialisation in the context of the role of youth and students as future leaders in Climate Resilient cities.
The specialisation has been developed by Chris Zevenbergen, in partnership with TU Delft and IHS/Erasmus University Rotterdam and developed in joint collaboration with the City of Rotterdam and the Global Centre on Adaptation. The latter will part fund the specialisation and co-funding is being sought for the remainder.
The programme is international, interdisciplinary, immersive and accredited and will start in October 2021. It is aimed at young professionals in city governments who aspire to enrol in a life-long learning trajectory starting in Delft. After graduation, they will continue to ‘learn on the job’ in their city, to strengthen the in-city capacities to build resilience, lead change and to actively engage in the Global Resilient Cities Network.
Following the Summit, more detailed information about the specialisation will become available and students will be able to apply from April.
The Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS 2021) 2021, held on 25-26 January, is an online global conference to accelerate, innovate and scale up the world’s efforts in adapting societies and economies to the inevitable effects of climate change over the coming decade. CAS 2021 is a multi-stakeholder event, with participation by governments from all continents as well as business leaders, mayors, international organisations, academia, civil society, and youth representatives.
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