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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is based in Delft, the Netherlands. The premises are located near Delft Station, and are on the edge of the historical city center of Delft.

Visiting address

Westvest 7, 2611 AX Delft
The Netherlands

Postal address

PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft
The Netherlands

Other contact information

Phone: +31 (0)152151715

VAT number: NL.8032.73.150. B02
CoC number: 41146484


Google Maps

View our location and plan your journey on Google Maps.

Public transport

IHE Delft is easy to reach by train, bus and tram. IHE Delft faces Delft Station and is a short walking distance away. Plan your journey by train or other public transport.

From Schiphol/Amsterdam Airport by train

Visitors arriving at Schiphol/Amsterdam Airport can travel to IHE Delft by train (approx. 45 minutes). The railway station is at Schiphol Plaza, in the center of the airport. In some cases, it is necessary to change trains at either Leiden Central Station or The Hague Holland Spoor (Den Haag HS) Station. Read more about travelling by train from Schiphol Airport.

Car & parking

Visitors are advised to come by bike or public transport. IHE Delft has a car park, with limited capacity. Read more about other (paid) car parking options