On-campus, intensive and highly specialized courses
Our intensive and highly specialized short courses upgrade and refresh the knowledge and skills of students, mid-career professional and senior experts. Which ones suit you? Check the list further down this page.
Short courses are meant for students or professionals with a specific area of interest and a limited amount of time. The focus and content of short courses vary from specialised and technical matters to challenges and approaches in management.
Didactical methods include lectures, assignments, individual or group exercises in the classroom, behind the computer, or in the laboratory. It’s all about active learning: each participant is responsible for his/her learning process and achievement. Fieldwork, excursions and field visits to relevant sites often are a part of a short course, allowing the participants to come into contact with practical examples of the theory offered. Through case studies, role-plays, debate and workshops, content is made more interactive, and experience that the participants already have is shared.
Short courses in 2025 and 2026
Many short courses offered in the past years are no longer advertised on our website. We are developing a new strategy to better serve our target audience. Future courses will be re-aligned with demands of organizations in the water sector, and will be linked to competencies required by water sector professionals. You can help us identify relevant training needs by sharing the capacity gaps in your organization. We are committed to exploring with you how to bridge these gaps.
3+1 reasons why to sign up
Intensive learning
Immerse yourself in ten to fifteen days of active learning at the world's largest water training facility
Meet the water world at the IHE Delft campus and join the network of over 25.000 water professionals word-wide
World class lecturers
Learn with the no. 1 experts in water and development
Explore the water sector
Field trips and excursions are an integral part of most short courses
Upcoming Short Courses
IHE Delft offers a new range of short courses from 2023 onwards. Please check the list below for more information about each new course.
Water Resources Assessment using Remote-Sensing Data
- Start date 2025
- Start date 2026
In this course students will learn basics of remote sensing and how these datasets are used, in combination with other global datasets to assess, analyze and map water resources at the river basin scale. Participants will develop basic GIS and Python skills to produce a river basin fact-sheet. The course covers key concepts of remote sensing, an overview of available remote sensing and other non-traditional data sources, and spatio-temporal data analysis techniques in QGIS and python to assess water resources and hydrological processes.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment at Project and Strategic Levels
- Start date 2025
This course is about the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in guiding sectoral and regional planning towards sustainability, supporting strategic decision, and its links with the Environmental Impact Assessment practice. Participants are trained in integrating systems thinking, cumulative effects, and strategic thinking.
Summer Course: Freshwater Ecosystems - Challenges and Solutions to Sustainable Management in a Warmer and Water Limited World
- Start date 2025
This summer school, developed with the University of California at Davis, explores the vital connections between freshwater ecosystems and societal services, focusing on sustainable and equitable management.
Water Conflict, Cooperation and Diplomacy
- Start date 2025
In this course, participants will learn about the complex linkages between water and conflict, and how to overcome challenges of governing shared waters in a cooperative way.
Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring
- Start date 2025
This is a three weeks course covering the design and implementation of a monitoring network for surface- and groundwater bodies. The course consists of classroom, laboratory and field-based instructions designed to explain the theory and methodology of setting up a monitoring network with a hands-on component of planning a monitoring network in your country.
Remote Sensing for Agricultural Water Management
- Start date 2026
Develop skills to use remote sensing data for estimating high resolution agricultural water use (evapotranspiration) and biomass production for your own area of interest and utilise this data for water productivity and irrigation performance assessment.
Water Resources Planning under Changing Climate and Environment
- Start date 2026
Planning future utilization of water resources as part of economic development, while simultaneously maintaining integrity of the natural environment typically involves many interests. This course Introduces the major aspects and provides practical opportunity to experience the processes in multidisciplinary collaboration for targeted water resources planning within a development context.