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World Water Week 2023

World Water Week

IHE Delft will take part in World Water Week 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden, and online. Institute delegates will speak at several events, and host an information booth. Please check in on this page regularly: we will add information as it becomes available.

Alumni gathering

Alumni attending the meeting in person are invited to an Alumni Networking Gathering to be held at 18:00 on Wednesday 23 August at the IHE Delft booth. RSVP to Alumni Relations Advisor Maria Laura Sorrentino at

IHE Delft delegates who will be in Stockholm include:


IHE Delft Booth location: Exhibition level 5, stand 5:06

Sunday 20 August

  • Innovation in Transboundary Water Cooperation: Diplomacy, Finance & Technology

    IHE Delft participant: Susanne Schmeier

    Time: 09:00 - 10:30

    Location: A2

    Session ID: 11073


    Exploring innovative solutions in transboundary water cooperation promoted by Switzerland and partners in following-up the UN 2023 Water Conference to accelerating change, the session will showcase solutions linking diplomacy, finance and technology from the global to the local level in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Switzerland.


  • SIWI Seminar (1/3): Governance: The enabling environment to foster innovation

    IHE Delft participant: Nora van Cauwenbergh

    Time: 14:00 - 15:30

    Location: C4

    Session ID: 12001

    IHE Delft is a seminar co-convenor. Nora van Cauwenbergh, who will speak about a new book titled “Greening water risks: Natural Assurance Schemes.”


    Collective action in water stewardship is being redefined. In response to increasingly wicked water governance problems, catalytic communities are emerging as a new model of collaboration. This session explores the role of the private sector – entrepreneurs, investors, and multinationals – in building and sustaining catalytic communities alongside other stakeholders.

Monday 21 August

  • SIWI Seminar (2/3): Governance: The enabling environment to foster innovation

    IHE Delft participants: Yasir Mohamed (speaker), Nora van Cauwenbergh (co-host)

    Time: 11:00 - 12:30

    Location: C3

    Session ID:  12002

    IHE Delft is a co-convenor.

    What is readiness for water innovation and how can we build it? Technology readiness is not sufficient. To enable uptake and mainstreaming, we need to empower actors, build trust, and manage uncertainty. This session showcases real-world, nature-based innovations to illustrate key elements of institutional and investment readiness.

  • SIWI Seminar (2/3): Innovation and the geopolitics of water

    IHE Delft participant: Mohd Faizee

    Time: 16:00 - 17:30

    Location: C3

    Session ID: 12005


    This session explores the emergence of new actors and approaches in the field of digital water diplomacy. With two case studies, the session discusses the challenges and opportunities related to innovative technologies in multi-track peace mediation, promoting realization of human rights, local ownership, inclusivity, and transparency.

  • Global Water Education Network: Game changer for SDG6 acceleration

    IHE Delft participant: Gaetano Casale

    Time: 16:00 - 16:30

    Location: Online

    Session ID: 11512

    IHE Delft is a co-convenor.


    The Global Water Education Network (GWEN) - initiated at the UN Conference on Water in 2023 - drives stronger collaboration between all organizations delivering water education and water-related capacity development services on a global level. The global network contributes to SDG6 and other international SDG, climate and DRR targets.

  • Restoring lake ecosystems to deliver global scale socio-economic benefits

    IHE Delft participants: Konstantina Katsanou and Kenneth Irvine

    Time: 16:00 - 16:40

    Location: Talk shows, 27

    Session ID: 10957


    The Talk Show session will debate achieving the ambition of  the World Water Quality Alliance “Embedding Lakes into Global Sustainability” and the Key Actions of Building Capacity in Monitoring and Assessment; Embedding Lakes Management in national policies; Fostering Green Finance partners; and Raising Global Awareness of the Benefits of Change. 

    The Position Paper produced by the UNEP World Water Quality Alliance Ecosystems Workstream has identified four Key Actions for sustainable Lake and Reservoir use. The Paper can be accessed via the following link:

Tuesday 22 August

  • Making sustainable basin management work – Exchanging experiences across basins

    IHE Delft participant: Susanne Schmeier

    Time: 16:00 - 17:30

    Location: C3

    Session ID: 10928

    IHE Delft is a co-convenor


    Cooperative management of shared basins is crucial for sustainable and peaceful development. But it faces numerous technical and political challenges. Many of these challenges are similar across the world’s basins and aquifers. Therefore, exchange between those managing these basins is crucial and will be at the center of this session.

  • World Café: Announcement follow-up UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge

    IHE Delft participant: Eddy Moors

    Time: 17:00 - 18:30

    Location: Room 25

    Registration link

Wednesday 23 August

  • Nature-based solutions to strengthen urban climate resilience: Implementation-pathways

    IHE Delft participant: Nora van Cauwenbergh (Session host)

    Time: 09:00 - 10:30

    Location: A4

    Session ID: 11022


    In this interactive session we bring together experts in urban planning and natural resources management to present best practices to overcome design and implementation challenges. Taking into consideration success factors and enabling environment we explore innovative pathways to improve implementation of Nature-based Solutions and work at the level of systems change. 


Thursday 24 August

  • Live Talk Show: Transboundary Water Coalition

    IHE Delft participant: Susanne Schmeier

    Time: 09:00 – 09:40
    Room: 27
    Floor: 2

  • Is international water law ready to face future challenges?

    IHE Delft participant: Susanne Schmeier

    Time: 11:00 - 12:30

    Location: C1

    Session ID: 10898

    IHE Delft is a co-convenor


    This session focuses on the challenges international water law (IWL) is facing – from climate change to increasing pressure on water resources and from influences of other legal regimes to declining multilateralism – and discusses responses to those. It aims at identifying innovative ways that can reform IWL and ensure 

  • How to follow up our commitments of the water action agenda and support students and start-ups in developing their Gamechangers for water

    IHE Delft participant: Eddy Moors

    Time: 13:00 - 14:30

    Location: Dutch Pavilion, Booth 4.01

    Registration link


    Interactive workshop on how can we follow up our commitments of the water action agenda and support students and start-ups in developing their Gamechangers for water.

  • Impact of war & climate on water security in Ukraine

    IHE Delft participant: Susanne Schmeier

    Time: 14:00 - 15:30

    Location: A4

    Session ID: 11119


    The session will showcase the recent analysis conducted by the World Bank using mixed methods of remote sensing and field based surveys to understand the impact of Russian invasion of on the irrigation and water resources management in Ukraine from crop yields, infrastructure damages, to impact on farmers.