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International Cooperation Debate on World Water Day

Credit  Amitava Chandra / Climate Visuals

The Netherlands International Cooperation Collection Foundation is organising a debate between students and young professionals and politicians and experts on the future of International (Development) Cooperation.

If you are between 18 and 35, join the debate about the future of International (Development) Cooperation! The debate will be between students and young professionals, as well as politicians and experts, on the future of International (Development) Cooperation.

Register now as places are limited:

If you're between 18 and 35, join the debate on the future of International (Development) Cooperation!

The societal challenges are significant: international tensions, conflicts, wars, the growing gap between rich and poor, refugee flows, migration pressures, biodiversity, climate change, etc. These challenges not only affect our lives in the Netherlands but also those of billions of people in developing countries. They are often disproportionately affected and moreover, they have fewer resources to address the problems.

Seventy-five years ago, the Netherlands began development cooperation to show solidarity with countries that were less fortunate, to combat poverty, and to enable progress. Was it meaningful, effective, humane, ethical? Or should we stop, as a small country, we don't make much of a dent in the known pack of butter? What needs to change, and how can it be improved? The future of International Cooperation and the role of Development Cooperation (DC) require reflection and contemplation.


15:45 Doors open

16:00-18:00 - Debate based on theses and antitheses

18:00-19:00 - Peer-to-peer; networking / refreshments