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Online Course on Gender and Onsite Sanitation

This course introduces you to the current concepts of onsite (decentralised) sanitation and gender and explores how these two topics intercept through a series of case studies and activities.

For whom?

This course is designed for those with an interest in onsite sanitation and gender such as practitioners, academicians, consultants, researchers, students and representatives from NGOs.

Course content

This online course introduces to the participants to the current concepts of onsite (decentralised) sanitation and gender, through series of tasks which are designed to build the participants academic skills and critical thinking. The participants then progresses to explore how these two topics intercept through a series of current case studies and activities, which include a reflection by the authors on the key concepts covered. The final task is that the students develop their own case study in the form of a blog, which is assessed.


  • Foundations in onsite sanitation – Introduction to the concept of Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) and its enabling environment.
  • Foundations in gender – Introduction to the concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming.
  • Onsite sanitation and gender – Case studies which use a gender lens or explore gender issues along the sanitation value chain and its enabling environment.


Ready to apply?

Course Coordinator

Claire Furlong

Senior Lecturer in Sanitary Engineering
