Online Course on Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment
This course assembles and integrates innovative experimental methods developed by different research groups and practitioners around the world and broadly applied in wastewater treatment research and practice.
For whom?
Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, laboratory staff, plant operators, consultants, and other professionals working on environmental engineering, sanitation, sanitary engineering and wastewater treatment.
For participants with background on environmental engineering, environmental sciences, microbiology, chemistry, sanitation, sanitary engineering and/or wastewater treatment.
Knowledge and understanding on biological wastewatter treatment processes for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, solid-liquid separation processes and microbiology is essential.
Learning objectives
- To evaluate the characteristics and process performance of biological wastewater treatment processes.
- To explain the basic theory and main methodological steps of experimental methods for wastewater treatment.
- To critically analyse data and information obtained from experimental methods.
- To design experimental methods for biological wastewater treatment processes.
Course Content
Aerobic organic matter removal
Biological nitrogen removal
- Nitrification
- Denitrification
- Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox)
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal
- Anaerobic EBPR batch activity tests
- Anoxic EBPR batch tests
- Aerobic EBPR batch tests
Biological sulphate reduction
Wastewater characterization
Biomass characterization
Off-gas analysis
Emission measurements
Sludge settleability tests in secondary settling tanks
- Sludge volume index (svi)
- Diluted sludge volume index (dsvi)
- Batch settling curve and hindered settling velocity
Flocculation state of activated sludge - settling behaviour of granular sludge
The light microscope
Morphological investigations
Examining activated sludge samples microscopically
Flouroscence in situ hybdridization
Combined staining techniques
Extraction of dna
Real-time quantitative pcr (qpcr)
Amplicon sequencing
Theory and methods
Methodology and workflow
- Parameter estimation
- Uncertainty analysis
- Prof. Damir Brdjanovic, IHE Delft, The Netherlands
- Dr. Carlos M. Lopez Vazquez, IHE Delft, The Netherlands
- Dr. Francisco Rubio Rincon, IHE Delft, The Netherlands
- Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Prof. Per Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Dr. Gurkan Sin, Denmark University of Technology, Denmark
- Prof. Ingmar Nopens, Gent University, Belgium
- Dr. Henri Spanjers, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Course Coordinator
Carlos Lopez Vazquez
Associate Professor of Sanitary Engineering
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